Oman evaluates schools PPP final offers

7 June 2024

The evaluation process is under way for the best and final offers for a contract to develop and operate 42 schools in  Oman using a public-private partnership (PPP) model.

According to an industry source, the bidding teams submitted their final proposals and prices for the contract in mid-May.

Oman's Finance Ministry (MOF) issued the request for proposals for the contract in September 2022 and received bids for the contract last year before requesting the best and final offers in March. 

MEED understands the final bidders are Saudi Arabia's Vision International Investment Company and a Saudi-Kuwaiti team of Mowah Company and Alghanim International.

The project scope includes design, construction, finance, operation and maintenance works.

Oman’s PPP programme was launched in 2021, following the promulgation of the country’s PPP law in 2019.

The sultanate's Public Authority for Privatisation & Partnership (Papp) was dissolved as part of a wider government restructuring announced in August 2020.

Before its dissolution, Papp announced a pipeline of 49 projects in the education, healthcare, logistics and utilities sectors.

Understood to have been transferred to the Finance Ministry, the portfolio included the Salalah-Thumrait truck road scheme, school projects around the country and an industrial waste treatment facility in Sohar.
Jennifer Aguinaldo
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