Market snapshot of Mena data centre projects

29 April 2024

Key points: 

> HISTORICAL CONTRACTS: 2022 was the strongest year of the decade for data centre projects in the Middle East and North Africa (Mena). Since 2014, $2.8bn of data centre contracts have been awarded in the Mena region. The UAE has the largest value of data centre projects awarded over the past decade.

> SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES: Key challenges include substantial power consumption of data centre facilities; Extensive water usage for server cooling (both directly and indirectly through electricity generation); Escalating need for land.

> FUTURE CONTRACTS: Global data traffic is expected to rise substantially over the next decade, driven by rising incomes and technological advancement. There are $948m-worth of planned and unawarded data centre projects in the GCC.

> TOP PROJECT OWNERS: The top data centre project spender based on projects planned and under way is Khazna Data Centres, with $790m-worth of projects.

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