Read the September 2023 MEED Business Review

30 August 2023

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Decarbonisation has increased the stakes for nuclear energy despite the perceived risks.

With the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region set to register a rise of at least 30 per cent in power generation capacity by 2030, a strategy is required to advance energy security while reducing carbon emissions and fossil-fuel dependence.

If hydrocarbons are to be scaled back and battery energy storage remains expensive or untested, nuclear is an obvious solution. 

Nuclear energy’s benefits have been consistently recognised in the Middle East.

Iran, despite sanctions, has pressed ahead with its nuclear power projects. On the other side of the Gulf, Abu Dhabi signed contracts in 2009 with a South Korean consortium to build its first nuclear power project in Barakah.

More recently, Egypt has started work on its own nuclear project at El-Dabaa.

More projects are planned. Most notably, Saudi Arabia is advancing early plans for its nuclear power projects.

In the latest issue of MEED Business Review, MEED's energy editor Jennifer Aguinaldo looks at the case for adding nuclear to the energy mix and analyses the progress being made as the Mena region pushes for a nuclear future.  

She also discusses small modular reactors and their importance in offsetting concerns about capital expenditure, construction delays and spent-fuel reprocessing.

This month's exclusive 14-page market focus, meanwhile, examines the ambitious plans laid out by Kuwait's new cabinet as it enters office with an expansionary budget and programme of strategic projects.

MEED's latest issue also includes a comprehensive report on the future of engineering, procurement and construction in a sustainable world. 

We hope our valued subscribers enjoy the September 2023 issue of MEED Business Review. 


Must-read sections in the September 2023 edition of MEED Business Review include:

> AGENDA: Mena pushes for nuclear future

> TECHNOLOGY: Small reactors top nuclear agenda

> CURRENT AFFAIRS: Saudi Arabian economy shows signs of weakness

INDUSTRY REPORT: The future of EPC in a sustainable world
Key highlights from the MEED-Mashreq Contractors Forum on 30 May 2023, which discussed how the engineering and construction sector can enable the delivery of large-scale solar, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage projects in the region.
> A new era for EPC contractors
> Government support vital for clean energy growth
> Private sector vital for sustainable development
> Green energy drive requires adequate financing

> INTERVIEWAcwa Power zooms in on global water opportunities

> RAILGCC's ambitious railway project gains momentum

> REAL ESTATE: UAE real estate construction returns to record highs

> INTERVIEWEuroChem eyes Mena food security opportunity

> INTERVIEWKuwait's Gulf Centre United sets course for expansion

> MARKET TALKNBK anticipates project revival in Kuwait


> COMMENTKuwait lays out ambitious plans
> POLITICSStakeholders hope Kuwait can execute spending plans
> ECONOMYKuwait enjoys sustained non-oil growth
> BANKINGKuwaiti banks enter bounce-back mode
> ENERGYKuwait’s $300bn energy target is a big test
> POWER & WATERWarming erodes Kuwait’s power and water reserves
> CONSTRUCTION: Kuwait poised for renewed construction activity
> DATABANK: Kuwait’s headline growth dips

Mena solar awards trajectory improves
Abu Dhabi seeks control of pipelines
Time for Riyadh to prove its mettle
Dubai plots major projects comeback

> GULF PROJECTS INDEX: Gulf index climbs higher in August

> JULY 2023 CONTRACTSRegion records $12bn of deals signed

> MARKET SNAPSHOTMena rail projects

> OPINIONGulf funds help reshape football

BUSINESS OUTLOOK: Finance, oil and gas, construction, power and water contracts

To see previous issues of MEED Business Review, please click here
Marianne Makdisi
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