Maghreb regional economy stabilises after shocks

28 July 2023

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Sources: IMF, MEED Projects, MEED

This month's special report on the Maghreb includes: 

> COMMENTMaghreb provides cause for optimism
ECONOMYMaghreb states chart varying growth paths

> OIL & GASMaghreb energy project activity doubles
> LIBYA OIL SECTORLibya has potential for energy project surge
LIBYA OIL & GOVERNANCELibya seeks to rebuild oil sector credentials
LIBYA OIL & GAS SNAPSHOT: Renewed focus on Libya as a source of oil and gas
> MOROCCO ENERGYMorocco gas and fertiliser project activity surges
> POWERMorocco leads Maghreb energy transition
CONSTRUCTIONBig construction plans offer hope to Maghreb market
MEED Editorial
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