Egypt nears 6 October City wastewater tender

1 February 2024

Egypt’s PPP Central Unit, on behalf of the New Urban Communities Authority (Nuca), expects to receive statements of qualifications (SOQs) for a contract to develop and operate an independent wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) project in 6 October City by 12 February.

The WWTP is anticipated to have a design capacity of 150,000 cubic metres a day (cm/d).

Atter Ezzat Hannoura, public-private partnership (PPP) central unit director at Egypt’s Finance Ministry, said they expect to issue the request for proposals to the prequalified bidders within a month of receiving the SOQs.

The project will use the design, build, finance, operate and maintain model, with the plant expected to be transferred to Nuca at the end of the 25-year PPP contract.

Nuca, as the main contracting party, will pay the sewage treatment charges to the project company, which the successful bidder or bidders will form.

MEED previously reported that once the project advances to the bidding stage, the sewage treatment charge in the financial bid will be split as follows:

  • 70% in Egyptian pounds (£E)
  • 30% based on the US dollar, paid in £E at the prevailing US dollar/£E exchange rate on the day of payment

Nuca is planning another wastewater treatment facility in New Damietta along the Mediterranean coast.

The procurement process was expected to start in 2022, but there have been delays in completing the technical feasibility study for the project, which will have a capacity of 50,000 cm/d.

It is still being decided if the final facility will treat industrial or domestic wastewater, said Hannoura.

The feasibility study for the Damietta wastewater treatment plant is being undertaken with financing from an EU bank.
Jennifer Aguinaldo
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