Jordan signs Ghabawi wastewater plant deal

21 February 2023

Jordan's Water & Irrigation Ministry and the local firm Arab Towers Contracting Company have signed an agreement worth 79.5m ($84.7m) for the design and implementation of a wastewater treatment plant in the Ghabawi region.

The European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD) has agreed to provide a 41.3m loan while the EU has agreed to provide a 30m grant for the project.

According to the Jordan News Agency (Petra), the ministry also signed a $1.2m supervision agreement with Engicon and CDM Smith Europe, funded by an EBRD grant.

Under the two agreements, the water authority will build a treatment plant with a capacity of 24,750 cubic metres a day, which will have sewage tanks instead of the primary type of treatment plant equipment in the Ain Ghazal region.

The project will help to improve the area's environmental conditions and reduce the biological load on the Khirbet Samra treatment plant.

According to data from regional projects tracker MEED Projects, an estimated $13.5bn-worth of water treatment plant projects are under execution across the Middle East and North Africa region. A further $23.5bn-worth is being planned.
Jennifer Aguinaldo
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